ADC-ICTY Celebrates its 10th Anniversay
The ADC-ICTY celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Friday 30 November and Saturday 1 December. All members of the ADC-ICTY and staff of the ICTY were invited to join us for the celebration events.
ADC-ICTY Annual Training 2012
On Friday 30 November and Saturday 1 December 2012, defence counsel training took place. The topics which were covered this year included; ‘Best Practices of Defence Counsel: A View from the Bench’, Ethical Considerations for Defence Counsel, The Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals and the Review of Appeal Judgements. Presenters included Judge Orie, Martin Petrov, Colleen Rohan, Novak Lukic and Stéphane Bourgon.
ADC-ICTY General Assembly and Election of New President and Committees
At the General Assembly held on 1 December 2012 a variety of issues were discussed. Elections took place and the Mr. Novak Lukic was elected as the new President of the ADC-ICTY.

Second Joint Defence/OTP Intern Advocacy Training
On Tuesday 17 July 2012, a group of Defence and Prosecution interns took part in an advocacy training in the courtrooms of the ICTY. The interns were given the opportunity to practice an examination in chief and a cross examination. They were given feedback by the highly qualified trainers; Judge Howard Morrison and Joanna Korner QC.
ADC-ICTY Issues a Press Statement Requesting the Release of ICC Staff Detained in Libya
The ADC-ICTY released a Press Statement requesting the immediate release of Ms. Melinda Taylor and other members of the ICC delegation detained in Libya.
The ADC-ICTY also delivered a letter to the Libyan Ambassador in The Hague requesting immidiate action for the safe release of the delegation.
The Seventh Defence Symposium
On 12 April 2012, Defence Counsel and former military legal advisor to the Canadian Armed Forces Stéphane Bourgon conducted a lecture titled “Military Organisation, Rank Structure and Operations – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Military” in the ICTY Pressroom.
*During the lecture Bourgon discussed the intricacies of military organization, focusing on the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS). He explained the military ranking system, detailing the differences between commissioned and non-commssioned officers, providing a breakdown of military units and command structure and discussing the usefulness of organisational charts as well as the Principles of War.
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